Vines Amplified Expository Dictionary (Keyed to the Old & New Testament)
Vine's Expository Dictionary should be on the shelf of every serious student of the Bible. It enables those with no knowledge
of the Greek to dig deeper behind the text of the Brit Hadasha (New Testament). Vine's enables the Bible student to look
up a biblical word in English and find excellent, though brief, word studies on the Greek behind them. Unfortunately, whilst
Vine did start an equivalent dictionary of the Tenach (Old Testament) it contains very few entries. Whilst not adding to
the Hebrew terms this new edition still fills something of that lack. The division of the Bible into the Tenach and
Brit Hadasha (Old & New Testaments) has led many to treat one portion of God's Word as being of greater value. This is
due to the false perception that the Bible is not a unified, integrated work. Rather, many treat Scripture as consisting
of two dissimilar, unrelated segments. This new edition of Vine's work should go a long way in setting this right. This
edition is keyed to a number of Greek and Hebrew study sources, united by Strong's numbering system. The most important innovation
is the addition of Hebrew and Aramaic terms related to the Brit Hadasha Greek words. This means, for the first time, it is
possible for the Bible student with no Hebrew or Greek to compare the whole scripural use of a term. It also enables easy
access to an understanding of first century Jewish thought behind the Greek of the Brit Haddasha. The fact it is keyed to
the "Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament" and DBD makes it invaluable. (All students of the Tenach should
have access to the "Theological Wordbook".) Published by World Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Price: ?9
The Online Bible
The best value Bible package for the PC! The Online Bible is a Shareware package with over a dozen English translations
of the Bible, 24 foreign translations including French, Spanish and Arabic, a number of Hebrew and Greek texts keyed to
Strong's numbering system and fully parsed. It also includes Bible commentaries, notes, Hebrew and Greek lexicons, interesting
articles and some superb maps. I started using the Online Bible for DOS which made Bible Study and searching the
Word extremely fast and so easy. Since then it has continued to expand and improve In fact many commercial Bible Programmes
use the Online Bible's engine as their base! There are still some "bugs" to iron out (e.g. the Hebrew verses read
up the page) but regular updates are available to those who register and cost ?each year at present. Considering the high
quality and the content of the package, this is excellent value for money. It is impossible to know where to start
when describing the package as it is extremely versatile. What I do know is - WHY DOES ANYONE PAY TEN TO TWENTY TIMES MORE
FOR SIMILAR PACKAGES? One indispensible part of this package for Messianic Believers is John Gill's commentary.
John Gill was the founder Pastor of what was to become Spurgeon's Tabernacle. I must admit that I feel even that great teacher
Spurgeon, pales into insignificance in the light of John Gill. I am not sure that there has been, or ever will be another
like him. He was self taught in both Greek & Hebrew; he had devoured the Talmud and most other Jewish writings; His grasp
of Rabbinic thought would be difficult to match. His commentary is sadly ignored today and the only way I know of accessing
it is through the Online Bible. John Gill was definitely not an early Messianic, however his commentary will prove to be
the single most important commentary you use - with its continual reference to Rabbinic thought and writing. It is
difficult to stop singing the praises of the Online Bible! You can read as many versions of the Bible as you can squeeze
onto your screen, plus you can have associated commentaries and cross references as well. there are also many unofficial
commentaries and other data available on the Web. I suggest you immediately go to the main Online Bible site, find your local
supplier and order it today - you could save yourself many hundreds of Pounds/Dollars/etc. At about ?for the lot you can't
go wrong! (There are small additional charges to unlock Bible translations from publishers who need the money! But even they
are less than the others charge and you really wont need them.)
Official Online Bible Site
Dozens of extra Online Bible modules to download - free!
Israel's Passion by Paul Heyman
This is a beautiful album of unusual and original music that will be appreciated by Messianics and other Christians alike.
Paul Heyman combines upbeat and lamenting Jewish melodies with Latin rythms and classical reflections, all played against
a rich contemporary sound. Paul is a Messianic Jew with a passion for God who, despite severe illness, did not lose
his faith. He was a Jewish believer who had little understanding of his Jewish heritage; he has now grown to be a valuable
asset in the Messianic music scene. I have met Paul on a number of occassions, from the worst of his illness to seemingly
miraculous recovery. The fact that he has accompanied Helen Shapiro on her testimony tours speaks volumes for his talent
and skills. "Israel's Passion" is an album of worship and thanksgiving likened to the firstfruits offering.
Paul shares his heart in this album and deserves to take the message to a wider audience. Produced & distributed
by: ICC, Silverdale Road, Eastbourne, EastSussex, BN20 7AB, England. Tel: 01323-643341 Fax: